Competitor Tracking

Discover how efficient
your team can be with automations.

Focus on what matters most with code-free review & listing automation recipes.

Brands using LocalClarity for Auomations.

One Step Ahead of the Competition

All your competitors reviews all in one place, allowing you to stay informed about what’s going on ‘next door.’ Pick up on any trends, whether negative or positive, and use that information in making internal decisions.

10X Competitor Reviews

Index the full review history of up to 10 competitors for each of your locations from multiple review sources for each store. Gain a comprehensive view your position in the market.

Full Review Details

Gain access to the date, reviewer name, star rating, and full comment blocks for each competitor review. Use the reporting filters to access just the right details within the LocalClarity platform or download the results.

Match Locations

Competitor locations can be matched up against your specific stores for direct comparisons by location, by neighborhood, city, or any custom tags. Understand every layer of your relative client satisfaction.

Quadrant Analysis

Track your locations against the entire competitive st by brand or by location to view rating volume versus average review scores. Identify performance clusters and outliers for your entire industry.

Sentiment Analysis

Leveraging our built in connection to OpenAI's ChatGPT, access topic identification and sentiment analysis scoring for your competitor reviews. Gain a deeper understanding of exactly where they are winning and losing with their customers and what you can do to increase your success.

Match Locations

Competitor locations can be matched up against your specific stores for direct comparisons by location, by neighborhood, city, or any custom tags. Understand every layer of your relative client satisfaction.

New one

Competitor locations can be matched up against your specific stores for direct comparisons by location, by neighborhood, city, or any custom tags. Understand every layer of your relative client satisfaction.

Framer for Personal Sites

Build more websites.

Once you learn how fast it is to publish sites in Framer, you’ll find excuses to build sites for everything. Kick off your blog, redesign your portfolio, create an online CV or collect your favorite media. Start building your online presence today.

decorative image of localClarity
decorative image of localClarity

Brands using LocalClarity for Local Listings management.

Deepak Jose @iDeepakJose
Head of design @RushGaming
@framer is a superpower for Designers 💪🏼. To Design, Build and Publish a landing page within 2 days is truly incredible. Also, no developers required. Check out 🚀
Answers to

Competitor review tracking questions

Which plan includes competitor review tracking?
How many competitor locations can be tracked?
Can I compare all competitors a set distance from each store?
Can you track social media of competitors?
Can I compare competitor locations to my stores?
What is a PlaceID and where can I find it for my Competitors?
How frequently are new competitor reviews fetched?
What competitor review reporting can I access?
Where can I read my competitor's review comments?
Can I access sentiment analysis reporting for competitor reviews?

Getting started is fast, easy & free.

AI Powered
50+ Review Sources
Unlimited Reporting
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Automations
10X Compeitors
Bi-Weekly Releases
14 Languages
90+ Countries
AI Powered
50+ Review Sources
Unlimited Reporting
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Automations
10X Compeitors
Bi-Weekly Releases
14 Languages
90+ Countries
Get Started
No credit card required to connect listings & explore platform